Decrypt My Leads | Request Your Free Snippet

Request Your Free Snippet

... and get 100 Leads on us with NO commitment or credit card info.

Get up to 15x the leads from your website, starting tomorrow!

You'll get 100 leads for free, per website you have. No commitment or credit card needed.
As you get your leads, either call them or let us add them into a Newsletter for you, to reach out and contact them automatically on your behalf.

As you convert them, you can decide if you want to 'buy some credits' to get more leads at any time.

We have a simple pay-as-you-go process for buying credits to use for leads... but first, get 100 leads for FREE, to make sure this works for you!


How it works:

Request your free code snippet (below).
We'll email it to you in 1 business day (usually in a few hours.)

Install this invisible code snippet into your website's footer, or the 'body' section of your landing pages, to decrypt the maximum number of your website visitors. This snippet should be placed between <body> and </body> on all of your main landing pages (at least one high-traffic page.) Note: if you have a private members' area, there is no need to place this code into those pages since you would just be capturing data for existing members.

After you install, check your phone for text messages (SMS). We'll also add those leads into a Newsletter for you if you select that option below.

As we decrypt each visitor that lands on your website, you'll receive a near-immediate text. The sooner you call each visitor, the more money you'll make! If you don't want to call them, then simply let your Newsletter do all the work of reminding them to reach out to you!

Watch our training videos for more information.

Start Below... You'll love this!

Fill in this Form

We will email you your personal code snippet, so you (or your webmaster) can install it to your website. We can install it for you if you give us access to your Admin Panel and/or CPanel so we can do it. Then we'll add them to your new Newsletter and/or Text you your leads to your desired phone #.
If you choose to receive your leads by text: you can choose to have your sales guy receive the leads by SMS, then call them, and/or email them, sell/give those leads to your partners, send them brochures in the regular mail, and/or add those emails to your 'Lookalike' Campaign on Facebook. Leads are MONEY. Get 100 free leads, starting now!